2023 - present
Executive Director
Center for Offsite Construction
School of Architecture & Design
New York TechManhattan, NY, USA
Center for Offsite Construction
School of Architecture & Design
New York TechManhattan, NY, USA
Chartered, funded, and currently lead the first U.S. academic research center dedicated to advancing industrialized construction -- all based on personal research. The Center for Offsite Construction (CfOC) serves as a hub for effective offsite construction practices in North America, encompassing research innovation, standards development, consensus building, and curriculum creation.
2022 - present
Founded, funded, and lead the modular manufacturing startup (currently in Seed Stage) to monitize technologies developded at the Center and complete their path to market. Storefront laboratory at 143 Main Street.
2021 - present
Elected for the term-limit maximum of (2) two-year administrations. Preside at Senate meetings, Executive Committee meetings, serve as a faculty representative to the Board of Trustees, chair the Budget, Finances, and Resource Allocations, etc.