Jason Van Nest

Leading 21st C. design practices by organizing offsite construction technologies. Using a lifetime of resaerch about the 21st Century shift from representational habits toward Simulation thinking -- in architecture, construction, manufacturing, & art.


Curriculum Vitae



NOV 10, 2021
Guest Lecturer
Illuminating Engineering Society
Manhattan, NY, USA
“Building Information Modeling Advancements for Lighting Design & Control” (Part 1) Illuminating Engineering Society 2021 Annual Meeting.

OCT 09, 2015
Paper Presenter & Panelist
ACSA 2015 Fall Conference
Syracus, NY, USA
Presented the theoretical framework outlining the operative differences between Representational and Simulation technologies (for Architects) -- from the paper “Simulating Paradoxes” at SyracuseUniversity.
OCT 17, 2014
Paper Presenter & Panelist
ACSA 2014 Fall Conference
Halifax, NS, CA
Presented the framework for funding new architectural research in undergraduate design studios, from the paper “New Design-build Directions:  Training the Architect as a Product Designer,” at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
NOV 05, 2013
Featured Artist & Panelist
Lumen Prize Digital Art Panel
Manhattan, NY, USA
Presented Collage Cities as the winning entry of the Lumen Prize (and Exhibit). Globally and at Gallery 61 - New York Institute of Technology. 
NOV 10, 2021
”Shelter” Panelist
2012 Energy Conference
Old Westbury, NY, USA
Presented research, tests, and design advances on the “Thatch for the 21st Century.” Presentation predated interview process for 2013 IRSC Grant competition and eventual funding (see below).