Level 1 introduction to open-face felling and the development of techniques to safely use it. Topics covered include personal protective equipment, chainsaw safety features, chainsaw reactive forces, bore cutting, pre-planning the fell, and understanding hinge wood strength.
Level 2 mechanical focus on maximizing chainsaw performance through basic maintenance, carburetor setting, and filing techniques. Limbing and bucking techniques, spring pole cutting, and intermediate felling techniques.
Level 2 mechanical focus on maximizing chainsaw performance through basic maintenance, carburetor setting, and filing techniques. Limbing and bucking techniques, spring pole cutting, and intermediate felling techniques.
- Introduction to Forest Ecology
Silviculture: the Art & Science of Managing Trees
Managing Woodlands for Wildlife
Planning and Implementing Forest Management
- Carbon Sequestration – Meaning, Practice, & Metrics
Current Trends in Forest Policy
- Wildlife Inventory & Monitoring
- Physiology of the heart and lungs.
Difference between Clinical and Biological Death.
Adult cardiac emergency steps: Identification through debreifing EMTs.
Comprehensive description and demonstration on how to perform CPR.
- Brief introduction to the AED (Automated External Defibrillator).
- First Aid &Emergency Care Preparations
Bloodborne Pathogens & Universal Precautions ~ Disease Transmission
Soft tissue injuries / Bleeding Control
The signs & symptoms for shock, as well as treatment for specific types.
- Burns - Degrees and treatment for each type of burn.
Certified in use of modern dive equipment, diving sciences, responsible diving practices and the environment. Diving skills practiced in both a confined water environment and finally during several open water training dives, culminating with a 75’ deep certification dive with a NAUI Instructor.